Foundation Skills
Working towards independence in self-care occupations
Tying Shoelaces:
Ian's Shoelace Site – About Ian Fieggen
Dressing with Physical Challenges:
I can do it (dressing advice for children with weakness in one arm):
19120.bklt.I can do it myself.indd (
Using the toilet:
Potty training and bedwetting - NHS (
Using the toilet with physical challenges:
Resources for bladder and bowel problems in children (
Using the toilet with sensory challenges:
Children's Teeth - NHS Website:
Working Towards Independence in School Based Occupations
Supporting People with Sensory Differences
Home Pathway
Education Pathway
Further Useful Information and Resources available:
rcot-leaflet-occupational-therapy-and-children-and-young-people.pdf (
rcot-school-leaflet.pdf (
Sleep problems in young children - NHS (
Help for Parents (
Handwriting Without Tears | Learning Without Tears (
Apps and Tips for Teaching or Helping with Handwriting (
Buy Motor Skills United Occupational Therapy Programme | TTS (
Derbyshire Area Sensory Processing Needs - Derbyshire Local Offer
Middletown Centre for Autism (
Screen-Shot-2019-12-13-at-3.35.49-pm.png (616×468) (
Do2Learn: Educational Resources for Special Needs
KIDS - Kids Independently Developing Skills | NHS GGC
Therapy Street for Kids | Occupational Therapy
Learning Activities To Support Your Child's Development! (